Customer's perception on building management systems in residential complexes at Chennai

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Customers should aware about the building management system (BMS) and their requirements based on the location of the apartment, type of the apartment and number of floors in the apartment. It is observed from various literature reviews that the customer requirements vary depending on the geographic physiological environment they are present in. Various techniques were followed and the project went up to 16 weeks. Observation of the customer requirements in BMS have been made and key areas to be focused based on location such as 1.Rural residents preferred having fire and alarm system and energy savings 2.Urban residents focused on Monetary, energy and security systems has been identified. Observation was also made based on the apartment type and customer requirements varied if the apartment is an individual standalone apartment or a multiple cluster of apartment. The other factor based on which the customers preference varied is the number of floors in the apartment, where as the floors increases the focus was on security systems, else the focus was on monetary savings. I also provide suggestions like elements to focus on rural apartment, urban apartment and standalone apartment.




Rengarajan, R., & Venkatesh, S. (2019). Customer’s perception on building management systems in residential complexes at Chennai. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 96–104.

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