The most common method supporting investing on the capital market or making decisions on the real estate market is technical analysis. This article, however, focuses on the less popular fundamental analysis, the importance of which is increasing on internationals markets, especially fully-developed ones. Fundamental analysis is used for long-term predictions of values of future phenomena, based on historical data and any factors likely to affect the level of supply and demand. The final result of its use is an appraisal the true value of the subject of valuation, or so-called fundamental (intrinsic) value. Using this method to analyze, diagnose and forecast economic phenomena, as well as become familiar with the market in terms of its fundamentals, positively influences the process of taking investment measures and leads to a better understanding of the real estate market. The aim of the following study is to describe the possibility of applying fundamental analysis on the real estate market, based on the principles existing on capital markets. This article serves as an introduction to the subject-matter as well as the beginning of series of publications dedicated to different aspects of conducting fundamental analysis in the context of the real estate market.
Figurska, M., & Wisniewski, R. (2016). Fundamental analysis - Possiblity of application on the real estate market. Real Estate Management and Valuation, 24(4), 35–46.
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