Mycotoxins in wine with special attention on ochratoxin A

  • Jovic S
  • Petrovic A
  • Markovic N
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Wine quality is a complex, multi - layered conception consisting of numerous factors such as sensory characteristics, chemical composition, legislation, market - consumer, with hygienic - toxicological factor being of special importance due to growing demands for health safe foods. This paper shows the results of studies carried out up till now concerning the mycotoxins in wine (Aflatoxins, Trichothecens, Patulin), with special attention paid to ochratoxin A, most frequently present in grapes, must and wine, and to the influence of certain technological operations and processes during wine making. Due to its high toxicity, the presence of ochratoxin A has been limited to 2 ?g/l by EU EG regulation 123/2005.Kvalitet vina je kompleksan, viseslojni pojam sastavljen od veceg broja cinilaca poput senzorskih karakteristika, hemijskog sastava, zakonodavno-pravnog, trzisno-potrosackog, pri cemu higijensko-toksikoloski ima poseban znacaj s obzirom na sve izrazenije zahteve za zdravstveno bezbednom hranom. U radu su prikazani rezultati dosadasnjih istrazivanja mikotoksina u vinu (aflatoksini, trihotecen, patulin), pri cemu je posebna paznja posvecena najcesce prisutnom ohratoksinu A na grozdju, u siri i vinu i uticaj pojedinih tehnoloskih operacija i procesa u toku proizvodnje vina na njegov sadrzaj. S obzirom na njegovu visoku toksicnost Evropska Unija EG regulativom 123/2005. svela je najvise dozvoljenu kolicinu ohratoksina A na 2 ?g/l.




Jovic, S., Petrovic, A., & Markovic, N. (2009). Mycotoxins in wine with special attention on ochratoxin A. Zbornik Matice Srpske Za Prirodne Nauke, (116), 91–100.

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