The Private Equity (PE) activity in Morocco has received so little attention mitil now. Aside fromthe professional association of PE in Morocco and other professionalbodies concemed with the topic. the literature streani exploring the generation of value creation during a PE transaction is quite inexistent. The proposed paper is considered as the first attempi to tackle the vaine generation within a Private Equity transaction in the Moroccan context. We attenpt during this paper to present a conceptnal analysis of how PE firins inay generate value 011 theirpoitfolios leveL Since data is a scarce resource in this field and especially in the context of einerging countries. we propose for this e?planatory study to use the seni constnicted inteiview with four major PE firins in the Moroccan landscape. which represents 50% of the PE transactions that occuned in the last three years. in order to (i) understand the general partners (GPs) decision-making process for a given transaction and (ii) e?plain what are the inaili value generation levers that are intended to be made iiito practice in order to maximize the value in a given transaction.
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Taleb, T. A., & Sadqi, A. (2020). Inquiry into the moroccan private equity industry: A proposal of an adapted value creation framework. International Journal of Financial Research, 11(2), 1–13.