To better handle situations where additional resources are available to carry out a task, many problems from the manufacturing industry involve "optimally" dividing a task into k smaller tasks. We consider the problem of partitioning a given set S of n points (in the plane) into k subsets, S1, . . . , Sk, such that max1≤i≤k |MST (Si)| is minimized. A variant of this problem arises in the shipbuilding industry [2]. © Springer-Verlag 2002.
Andersson, M., Gudmundsson, J., Levcopoulos, C., & Narasimhan, G. (2002). Balanced partition of minimum spanning trees. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 2331 LNCS, pp. 26–35). Springer Verlag.
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