Komplikasi yang timbul pada penderita diabetes melitus antara lain neuropati, nefropati, retinopati, gangguan pembuluh darah dan gangguan muskuloskeletal. Peningkatan kasus DM di Indonesia 215.200.000 penderita diabetes melitus pada tahun 2040 dan prevalensi diabetes melitus di Semarang pada tahun 2015 sejumlah 1790 kasus. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk memberikan penyuluhan perawatan kaki dan senam kaki diabetes pada Lansia. Metode dilaksanakan di Uresos Margomukti Rembang terhadap 13 orang lansia yang dilakukan dengan tahapan penjelasan atau penyuluhan materi dan dilanjutkan praktik senam kaki diabetes. Hasil ditunjukan seluruh lansia mengikuti pengabdian ini dengan bersemangat dan antusias yang tinggi sehingga diharapkan perlu ada kegiatan yang dilaksanakan secara rutin dalam peningkatan kesehatan lansia.Kata Kunci : perawatan kaki; senam kaki; diabetes; lansia FOOT CARE AND DIABETES FEET EXERCISES EDUCATION IN THE ELDERLYAbstractComplications that arise in people with diabetes mellitus include neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy, blood vessel disorders and musculoskeletal disorders. The increase in DM cases in Indonesia was 215.200,000 people with diabetes mellitus in 2040 and the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Semarang in 2015 was 1790 cases. The purpose of this service is to provide counseling on foot care and diabetic foot exercises to the elderly. The method was carried out at Uresos Margomukti Rembang for 13 elderly people who were carried out with the stages of explanation or material counseling and continued with the practice of diabetic foot exercises. The results showed that all the elderly participated in this service with high enthusiasm and enthusiasm so that it was hoped that there would need to be activities carried out regularly to improve the health of the elderly. Keywords: foot care; leg gymnastics; diabetes; elderly
Pramudaningsih, I. N. (2022). PENYULUHAN PERAWATAN KAKI DAN SENAM KAKI DIABETES PADA LANSIA. Jurnal KESPERA, 1(2), 47. https://doi.org/10.34310/jkspr.v1i2.598
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