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System (Elsevier) 34.3 (2006), 371–383. 07–267 Huang, Shu-Chen, Yuh-Show Cheng & Chiou-Lan Chern (National Chiao Tung U, Hsinchu, Taiwan; sjh241@yahoo.com.tw ), Pre-reading materials from subject matter texts – Learner choices and the underlying learner characteristics . Journal of English for Academic Purposes (Elsevier) 5.3 (2006), 193–206. 07–268 Hui-Tzu Min (National Cheng Kung U, Tainan, Taiwan), The effects of trained peer review on EFL students' revision types and writing quality . Journal of Second Language Writing (Elsevier) 15.2 (2006), 118–141. 07–269 Ikeda, Makiko (Himeji Dokkyo U, Japan; maikoike@wonder.ocn.ne.jp ) & Takeuchi, Osamu , Clarifying the differences in learning EFL reading strategies: An analysis of portfolios . System (Elsevier) 34.3 (2006), 384–398. 07–270 Juzwik, Mary M . (Michigan State U, East Lansing, USA, mmjuzwik@msu.edu ), Svjetlana Curcic, Kimberly Wolbers, Kathleen D. Moxley, Lisa M. Dimling & Rebecca K. 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