A pacemaker is a device that helps regulate the rhythm of the heart as well as the rate at which it beats. Since an internal pacemaker works on inbuilt battery, an experienced physician will interact with the pacemaker inside the patient using a pacemaker programmer to know information about the battery life and performance which is tedious and not possible at all times. So we have designed a system wherein a Bluetooth Version3.0 +High Speed (H.S) circuitry along with a logical circuitry is attached to the pacemaker's circuit. The logical circuitry will send processed data about the battery level and performance to the Bluetooth circuitry which in turn will push that information to the patients handheld device which might be devices such as mobile phones, PDA's, laptops, palmtops, etc., Almost everyone today has a mobile phone and Bluetooth has already become a standard inclusion on even the most basic mobile phones, student laptops and PDAs thus making the implementation quite easy. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011.
Subbusundaram, B., & Gayathri, S. (2011). System implementation of pushing the battery life and performance information of an internal pacemaker to the handheld devices via Bluetooth Version 3.0 + H.S. In Communications in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 132 CCIS, pp. 584–594). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-17878-8_59
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