Bojonegoro Regency is one of regency in East Java which affected by drought. Local Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Bojonegoro reported 17 districts which most affected by drought in the south of Bojonegoro Regency, such as Kedewan, Sugihwaras, Kedungadem, Sukosewu, Tambakrejo, Balen, Kasiman, Ngasem, Baureno, Trucuk, Kepohbaru, Dander, Ngraho, Bubuan, Malo, Tambakrejo, and Margomulyo. This study aims to determine the region sensitivity patterns in Bojonegoro Regency in connection with drought disaster which is reviewed accordingly of physic aspect and social aspect. A physic parameter such as precipitation, the average of total precipitation during 30 years (1986-2015), type of soil for identification texture and depth of soil, and slope. While social parameter is the total population for identification of the population's water needs. The method of this study is an overlay and scoring method. The classification of region sensitivity is low, medium, high and very high. The low classification which spread in Gayam District. The medium classification which spread in Kedawen, Kasian, Malo, Padangan Purwosari, Temayang, and Sukosewu District. The high classification which spread in Tambakrejo, Kapas, Balen, Kanor, Sumberejo, Kedungadem, and Gondang District. The very high classification which spread in Margomulyo, Ngrahu, Dander, Bojonegoro, Trucuk, Baureno, Kepohbaru, Kedungadem, Gondang and Sekar District.
Halil, A. (2018). Sensitivity pattern of drought region in Bojonegoro. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 229). EDP Sciences.
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