The aim in this chapter is to investigate the extent to which technological innovation improves the performance of sport organizations. The current research on sport is limited due to the absence of a substantial body of literature about technological innovation. In this chapter, I adopt a technology-aware perspective that challenges the existing assumptions of sport management. This makes a shift away from general sport management theory to one in which technological innovation is emphasized. This enables the creativity and newness of changes in sport regarding technology to be moved to the front of the discussion. This allows integration about how technology is used in sport and the mechanisms that facilitate its development thereby being consistent with an innovation standpoint in the technology literature. Thus, this chapter can illuminate and reveal more information about technology innovation in sport. Through the experiences of sport organizations and athletes, more information about the role of technology in sports competition can emerge.
Ratten, V. (2019). Usage of Sport Technology. In Sports Technology and Innovation (pp. 35–49). Springer International Publishing.
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