Sedimen tersuspensi dianggap sebagai sedimen yang didistribusikan oleh arus laut. Arus sepanjang pantai (longshore current) berperan besar terhadap proses perpindahan sedimen di perairan. Gelombang laut yang yang membentuk sudut terhadap garis pantai menyebabkan arus sepanjang pantai Transpor sedimen yang disebabkan oleh arus sepanjang panti sering menimbulkan permasalahan erosi pantai dan pendangkalan perairan. Perairan Teluk Awur memiliki bentuk teluk dan tanjung yang memungkinkan terjadinya arus sepanjang pantai. Potensi adanya proses erosi dan sedimentasi di perairan Teluk Awur membuat pentingnya kajian mengenai pola sebaran sedimen tersuspensi. Penelitian ini mampu menjelaskan tentang pola sebaran sedimen tersuspensi di perairan Teluk Awur, Kecamatan Tahunan, Kabupaten Jepara. Metode yang digunakan untuk penentuan sedimen tersuspensi menggunakan pengindraan jauh dan data yang digunakan yaitu citra satelit landsat-8. Kandungan sedimen tersuspensi tertinggi berada di Desa Teluk Awur dan Desa Demaan. Kandungan tertinggi sebesar ± 67,54 mg/L dan semakin menjauhi pantai konsentrasi menurun. Tingginya kadungan sedimen tersuspensi dipengaruhi oleh proses mixing dan intensitas curah hujan. Suspended sediments are considered as sediments distributed by ocean currents. Current along the coast (longshore current) plays a major role in the process of transfer of sediment in the waters. Sea waves that form angles to the coastline cause currents along the coast Sediment transport caused by currents along the orphanage often cause erosion and coastal silting problems. The waters of Teluk Awur have the shape of bays and headlands which allow currents along the coast. The potential for erosion and sedimentation in the Awur Bay waters makes it important to study the pattern of suspended sediment distribution. This research is able to explain the pattern of suspended sediment distribution in Awur Bay waters, Annual District, Jepara Regency. The method used to determine suspended sediment uses remote sensing and the data used are Landsat-8 satellite imagery. The highest suspended sediment content was in Teluk Awur Village and Demaan Village. The highest content of ± 67.54 mg / L and increasingly away from the beach decreased concentration. The high suspended sediment content is influenced by the mixing process and the intensity of rainfall.
Subardjo, P., Suryoputro, A. A. D., & Praktikto, I. (2020). Sebaran Sedimen Tersuspensi di Perairan Teluk Awur Jepara menggunakan Citra Landsat 8. Buletin Oseanografi Marina, 9(1), 77–82.
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