Using the Probe Methodology to Investigate the User Experience in a CRM System

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This paper presents a self-ethnographic experience for defining a new system to manage customer relationship in a department of internal sales. The paper focuses on the definition of strategies for deciding the future of new a CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) that will replace an older version used for many years by a tourism company. We followed an approach based on the Probe Methodology (PM), considering a context in which the user of the platform could participate, alongside the company, in the development of the CRM software. Our results showed that the PM could help to identify the main characteristics, modes of use and problems related to the specific environment of the software. Furthermore, it was possible to identify the ways in which users adapted to overcome issues that emerged while interacting with the system, and brought valuable insights into the development of the CRM. Based on techniques typically associated with the social sciences, the project collects information about intangible concepts to transfer them to a software development project. The PM proved efficient in identifying relationships that are not visible at first sight and to perceive requirements and needs not directly expressed.




Júnior, D. G. S., & Ramírez, R. H. (2021). Using the Probe Methodology to Investigate the User Experience in a CRM System. In Springer Series in Design and Innovation (Vol. 12, pp. 157–165). Springer Nature.

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