Every company or government agency will definitely find a letter archive for internal or external, this is due to the large number of sending letters from outside the company or agency which if they are not recorded and arranged neatly then the letters will be lost. The process of filing incoming and outgoing letters at the Regional Inspectorate of Pandeglang Regency still uses a manual record system, namely by recording incoming and outgoing letters using a ledger. Of course, this is often an obstacle in the disposition of incoming and outgoing letters. To overcome this, the authors designed the concept of a correspondence archive information system using the web-based waterfall method. The proposed information system is expected to be able to support the process of filing incoming and outgoing letters at the Pandeglang Regency Inspectorate, and able to provide benefits and solutions in the process. Abstrak-Disetiap perusahaan maupun instansi pemerintah pasti akan ditemukan adanya arsip surat untuk internal atau ekternal, hal ini dikarenakan banyaknya pengiriman surat dari luar perusahaan atau
- Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, N. E., Kholil, I., & - Universitas Nusa Mandiri, A. P. (2021). RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI MANJEMEN DISPOSISI SURAT MENYURAT BERBASIS WEB PADA INSPEKTORAT WILAYAH KABUPATEN PANDEGLANG. IJNS - Indonesian Journal on Networking and Security, 10(3). https://doi.org/10.55181/ijns.v10i3.1739
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