Aft er the 2010 Mount Merapi eruption, the people of Watugajah Village, Magelang District, CentralJava Province, were conducted to relocate from their hometown. The resettlement programme wasimplemented as part of post-disaster governmentality means with birocratic rationality on disaster-pronezone. Governmentality is “an att empt to regulate people through calculated means” (Li, 2007: 275); “thetechniques and procedures that undertakes to conduct individuals throughout their lives by placing them under the authority of a guide responsible for what they do and for what happens to them” (Foucault, 2003). Based on an empirical research in Watugajah and several secondary data from various sources (news andprogramme handbook), this article examines a research question: how the contestation among the actorsin Watugajah happened to the case of the people’s denial of the relocation in the context of Mount Merapipost-disaster? This article shows an inquiry that the denial is not a part of an antipathy to the governmentalauthority. Instead, people show both their self defence positioning to get the bett er life based on their ownreason as well as their tactical positioning to be head-to-head with the programmes, aids, and the policiesderived from various sides.
Ni’am, L. (2016). Kepengaturan dan Penolakan Relokasi: Kasus Warga Watugajah Pascabencana Gunung Merapi Tahun 2011-2013. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik, 18(1), 1.
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