The achievement of rapid growth that is both inclusive and sustainable presents formidable challenges for urban planning in India. Urban planning involves a lot of spatial implications. The planning process may have social, economic, and environmental effects. The emerging GIS techniques have various solutions for the urban planning. This paper presents the development of flexible and user-friendly geoweb application which has necessary tools that can be used as an alternative for the ease in urban planning. The main objective of this project is to develop a geoweb application for urban planning. And to develop a query builder so that it would be a useful tool for the urban planner and the users. In order to achieve these objectives, a detailed study was carried out to find the existing applications and technologies that are best suited for developing such a system and a methodology was prepared. After identifying software and technology stack required for the development, a spatial database containing all the data was prepared and published on GeoServer using Postgresql/PostGIS. A web interface was developed using HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP along with the OpenLayers to visualize and it was made responsive using the BOOTSTRAP. Hence, it can be used by various planners using the database and GIS tools in the applications for the town and country planning.
Sai Teja, B., Venugopal Rao, K., Navatha, Y., Shukla, R., & Sampath Kumar, P. (2020). Developing of Geoweb Application for Urban Planning. In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (Vol. 33, pp. 539–545). Springer.
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