Expanded 2nd ed. Marriage has likely existed for as long as human civilization; establishing when this social institution was conceived is difficult, as it predates reliable written record. Despite the vast differences in the practices and concepts of matrimony across the globe, there is surprising continuity in marriage customs and ceremonies across cultures. v. 1. A-H -- v. 2. I-Z. v. 1. Abduction, Marriage by -- Aborigines (Australian) -- Adultery -- Afghanistan -- Africa -- Age at marriage -- Albania -- Almonds -- Amish marriage -- Anglo-Saxon marriage -- Anniversaries -- Announcements -- Anvil, Firing of -- Arabic weddings -- Armenia -- Arranged marriage -- Arras, Las (Arrhae) -- Art, Wedding in -- Auspicious times for marriage -- Ball games -- Bangladesh -- Banns -- Banya -- Barring the way -- Ba'siller -- Bathing -- Bed, marriage -- Besom weddings -- Best man -- Betrothal -- Bhutan -- Bible and marriage -- Bidding -- Bigamy -- Blind date -- Bolivia -- Bonds, Marriage -- Bosseller -- Bottom drawer -- Bouquet -- Boutonniere -- Breach of promise -- Breakfast, Wedding -- Bride -- Bride-ale -- Bride-cake -- Bridegroom -- Bride-price -- Bridesmaid -- Bridewain -- Broom, Marriage over the -- Brunei -- Buddhist marriage -- Bulgaria -- Bundling -- Burma -- Cake, Wedding -- Cana, Wedding at -- Candles -- Canopy, Bridal -- Capture (kidnap), of bride -- Capture, Marriage by -- Cards, Wedding -- Cars -- Catholic marriage -- Cats -- Celibacy -- Celtic marriage -- Ceremony -- Chamber pot -- Chastity -- Child marriage -- Chimney sweep -- China -- Choice of partner -- Christian weddings -- Church porch, Weddings in -- Civil ceremonies -- Colors -- Common-law marriage -- Commonwealth Period in Britain (1649-1660) -- Companionate marriage -- Concubine -- Confetti -- Congo -- Consanguinity -- Consummation -- Contracts -- Convenience, Marriage of -- Costume -- Courtly love -- Courtship -- Creeling -- Crowning of bride and groom -- Crowns -- Cuba -- Customs -- Cyprus -- Czech Republic -- Dances -- Dancing in a hog (pig) trough -- Dashiki -- Dating -- Days for marriage -- Death and marriage -- Decorations -- Denmark -- Destination weddings -- Diamonds -- Divinations -- Divorce -- Dowry -- Dress, Wedding -- Dunmow Flitch -- Dwynwen, Saint -- Egg -- Egypt -- Elizabethan wedding party -- Elopement -- Endogamy/exogamy -- Engagement -- Engagement/courtship gifts -- Epithalamium -- Ethiopia -- Etiquette -- Evil eye, Protection from -- Execution, Release from -- Factory customs -- Fantasy weddings -- Favors -- Feet -- Feminism and marriage -- Fescennine songs -- Fiancé(e) -- Fiji -- Finland -- Fleet weddings -- Flowers -- Food/feast -- Forced marriage -- France -- Games -- Garlands -- Garter -- Gerewol -- Germany -- GI brides -- Gifts -- Giving away -- Gloves -- Gold -- Gold coins -- Greece -- Green -- Green wedding -- Gretna Green -- Gypsy weddings -- Haiti -- Handfasting -- Harem -- Headdress -- Hen night -- Henna -- Hindu marriage -- Holland -- Home, Setting up -- Honeymoon -- Honor killing -- Hope chest -- Horseshoe -- Hot pot -- Hungary -- Huppah (Chuppa). v. 2. Iceland -- India -- Indonesia -- Iran -- Iraq -- Irregular marriage -- Islamic marriage -- Israel -- Italy -- Jamaica -- Japan -- Jewelry, Wedding -- Jewish marriage -- Karva Chauth -- Ketubah -- Kidnapping -- Kinship -- Kiss -- Klezmer -- Korea -- Krevati -- Kurdistan -- Kuwait -- Labor service, to in-laws -- Las Vegas -- Leap Year -- Legends -- Levirate -- Lisdoonvarna -- Lord Hardwicke's Marriage Act (1753) -- Love -- Love letters -- Love locks -- Love potions and magic -- Love spoons -- Love telegraph -- Luck -- Maidens' garland -- Maori weddings -- Marriage -- Marriage bar -- Marriage systems -- Mar Thoma weddings -- Mass weddings -- Matchmaking -- Matchmaking fairs -- Matriarchal society -- May, Marriage in -- Mexico -- Middle East -- Minangkabau People -- Money dance -- Monogamy -- Mormon Church -- Morocco -- Music -- Myrtle -- Name, Change of -- Native American marriage -- Niger -- Norway -- Nuer weddings -- Nuts -- Obedient Wives Club -- Online dating -- Open marriage -- Orange blossom -- Origins of marriage -- Orthodox Church, Marriage in -- Pagan wedding -- Pakistan -- Palestinian weddings -- Paper of pins -- Papua New Guinea -- Penny weddings -- Petting stone -- Philippines -- Photographs -- Planner, Wedding -- Poland -- Polterabend party -- Polyandry -- Polygyny -- Portugal -- Posset -- Premarriage customs -- Prenuptial agreements -- Presents -- Processions -- Proposal -- Proxy, Marriage by -- Purchase, Marriage by -- Quaker marriage -- Quintain -- Racing -- Receiving line -- Reception -- Red -- Ribbon girl -- Rice -- Rings, wedding and betrothal -- Roman weddings -- Romania -- Rosemary -- Rough music/rough band -- Royal weddings (British) -- Russia -- Saints, Patron -- Sameh People -- Same-sex marriage -- Sea, Marriage at -- Shakers -- Shift, Marrying in a -- Shoes -- Shower -- Sicily -- Sikh marriage -- Slave weddings -- Sororate -- Soupe, La -- South America -- Spain -- Speed dating -- Spousal -- Stafell -- Stag Night -- Stockings, Throwing of -- Strawboys -- Suttee -- Sweden -- Sword -- Temporary marriage -- Thailand -- Themed weddings -- Threshold, Carrying over -- Tibet -- Tilak Ceremony -- Tokens -- Touareg -- Tree, Marriage to a -- Trees, Wedding -- Trousseau -- Turkey -- Twelve symbols of life -- Ukraine -- United Kingdom -- United States -- Unorthodox marriages -- Ushers -- Valentine's Day -- Veil -- Vena Amoris -- Vietnam -- Vows -- Wales -- Walking on gold -- Wed -- Wedding house -- Wheat -- Widow -- Wife-beating -- Wife-selling -- Wife-swapping -- Yemen -- Yoruban weddings -- Yugoslavia -- Zoroastrian marriage -- Zulu weddings.
Reidt, S. E. (2013). Sources: Marriage Customs of the World: An Encyclopedia of Dating Customs and Wedding Traditions. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 53(2), 201–201. https://doi.org/10.5860/rusq.53n2.201a
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