Abstrak Nilai kearifan lokal merupakan produk budaya masa lalu pada suatu komunitas masyarakat dan memiliki peran mengatur tatanan kehidupan bermasyarakat. Nailai-nilai keraifan lokal ini dapat dijumpai dalam cerita rakyat, termasuk cerita Asal Usul Bamba Libo Toaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai kearifan lokal yang terdapat di dalam cerita rakyat Asal Usul Bamba Libo Toaya dan peranannya dalam pembentuk karakter generasi muda. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analisis dengan data bersumber pada cerita Asal Usul Bamba Libo Toaya. Cerita itu diperoleh dari Dokumentasi Perpustakaan Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat sepuluh nilai kearifan lokal dalam cerita Asal Usul Bamba Libo Toaya, yaitu nilai rasa syukur dan rasa hormat, nilai amanah/dapat dipercaya, nilai tolong-menolong, nilai kesopanan, nilai keberanian dan percaya diri, nilai kebijaksanaan, nilai musyawarah, nilai kerja keras, nilai komitmen. Dari kesepuluh nilai kearifan lokal yang ditemukan, secara keseluruhan dapat digunakan untuk dasar pembentukan karakter generasi muda. Kata Kunci: Nilai kearifan lokal, cerita Asal Usul Bamba Libo Toaya, pembentukan karakter Value of Local Culture in History of Asal Usul Bamba Libo Toaya and Its Role in Forming the Young Generation Character Abstract Value of Local Culture was a product of past culture in a society community and have role to organize the system of community life. These values of local culture could be found in folklore, including story of Asal Usul Bamba Libo Toaya. This research purposed to describe the value of local culture which was inside of folklore of Asal Usul Bamba Libo Toaya and its role in forming the young generation character. The method which was used was descriptive analysis method with data sourced on story of Asal Usul Bamba Libo Toaya. That story was gotten form library documentation of Balai Bahasa of Central Sulawesi Province. The results of research showed that there were ten values of local culture in story of Asal Usul Bamba Libo Toaya, that were the value of thankfulness and respect, the value of trust, the value of mutual assistance, the value of politeness, the value of bravery and self-confidence, the value of wisdom, the value of deliberation, the value of hard work, the value of commitment. From ten of the local culture values which were found, overall they could be used to basic formation of the young generation character. Key word: The Value of Local Culture, Story of Asal Usul Bamba Libo Toaya, Character Forming
Asri. B, M., & NFN, A. (2020). Nilai Kearifan Lokal dalam Cerita Asal Usul Bamba Libo Toaya dan Peranannya dalam Pembentuk Karakter Generasi Muda. Multilingual, 19(2), 183–193. https://doi.org/10.26499/multilingual.v19i2.167
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