Analysis Of Land Characteristics Outbound Area To Support Tourism In Manado City

  • Soputan R
  • Kaunang D
  • Warouw V
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This study aims to: (1) determine the type of vegetation/soil use; (2) knowing the morphology and analyzing the characteristics of the outbound soil; (3) Determine land suitability classification for tourism; and (4) recommendations for land use directions in outbound tourism areas. This research was conducted at Outbound Treetop Zipline Park Grand Luley Resort Tongkaina, Bunaken sub-district, Manado city. This research is a descriptive exploratory research with a variable approach through field surveys and supported by laboratory analysis. Observation and collection of data on the type of vegetation/land use is carried out by means of a field survey. Analysis of soil characteristics was carried out on the physical and chemical properties of the soil referring to the Staff of the Bogor Soil Research Center. The results showed that (1) the type of vegetation on the outbound route for Flying-Fox and Sky Bridge was dominated by mango trees (Mangifera indica), followed by breadfruit trees (Artocarpus altilis) and walnuts (Canarium Indicum); (2) land morphology and physical characteristics Soil in this area, namely the effective depth of soil is included in the deep class (> 100 cm), located at an altitude of 20 - 42 m above sea level, the slope consists of 0 - 2% (flat), 2 - 8% (wavy) and 8 - 15 % (wavy), loamy sand textured, and fast soil permeability, well drained, no rock outcrops and flood hazard (3) soil chemical characteristics in this area consist of soil pH 6.77 - 6.98 (neutral), C-organic ranging 0.31 - 1.74 (very low - low), total N 0.03 - 0.15 % (very low - low), C/N ratio 3.48 - 12.43 % (very low - low), Available-P is 7.64 - 11.46 ppm (very low - low), and available K ranges from 12.73 - 23.70 ppm (low - moderate); (4) The suitability of tourism land in the Outbound Manado Treetop Zipline Park Grand Luley Resort Tongkaina area is included in the good criteria. Keywords: land characteristics, outbound, tourism, Manado city Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) mengetahui jenis vegetasi/penggunaan tanah; (2) mengetahui morfologi dan menganalisis karakteristik tanah   outbound;  (3) Menetapkan klasifikasi kesesuaian lahan untuk pariwisata; dan (4) rekomendasi arahan penggunaan tanah di kawasan wisata outbound.  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan  di Outbound Treetop Zipline Park Grand Luley Resort Tongkaina, kecamatan Bunaken, kota Manado. Penelitian  ini merupakan  penelitian  deskriptif  eksploratif dengan  pendekatan  variabel  melalui  survei lapangan dan didukung oleh analisis laboratorium.  Pengamatan dan pengambilan data tentang jenis vegetasi/pengunaan tanah dilakukan dengan  cara  survei  lapangan. Analisis karakteristik tanah dilakukan  atas sifat fisik dan kimia tanah  yang mengacu pada Staf Pusat Penelitian Tanah Bogor.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Jenis vegetasi pada jalur outbound untuk Flying-Fox dan Sky Bridge didominasi oleh pohon  mangga (Mangifera indica), diikuti oleh pohon sukun (Artocarpus altilis) dan kenari (Canarium Indicum);(2) morfologi lahan dan karakteristik fisik tanah di kawasan ini yaitu kedalaman efektif tanah termasuk pada kelas dalam (>  100 cm), terletak pada ketinggian 20 - 42 m dpl,  kemiringan lereng  terdiri atas 0 - 2 % (datar), 2 - 8 % (berombak) dan 8 - 15 % (bergelombang), bertekstur pasir berlempung, dan permeabilitas tanah cepat, berdranase baik, tidak terdapat singkapan batuan dan bahaya banjir (3) karakteristik kimia tanah di kawasan ini terdiri atas pH tanah 6,77 - 6.98 (netral), C-organik berkisar 0,31 - 1,74 (sangat rendah - rendah), N total 0,03 - 0,15 % ( sangat rendah - rendah), ratio C/N 3,48 - 12,43 % (sangat rendah - rendah), P-tersedia 7,64 - 11,46 ppm (sangat rendah - rendah), dan K tersedia berkisar 12,73 - 23,70 ppm (rendah - sedang); (4) Kesesuaian lahan pariwisata di kawasan Outbound Manado Treetop Zipline Park Grand Luley Resort Tongkaina termasuk pada kriteria baik.   Kata kunci: karakteristik lahan, outbound, pariwisata, kota manado




Soputan, R., Kaunang, D., & Warouw, V. R. Ch. (2022). Analysis Of Land Characteristics Outbound Area To Support Tourism In Manado City. Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Terapan, 3(2), 448–454.

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