Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) muatan nilai-nilai karakter; dan (2) kese- suaian nilai-nilai karakter antara buku guru dan buku siswa kelas IV semester 1 Sekolah Dasar. Pene- litian ini merupakan Penelitian Analisis Konten dengan subjek buku guru dan buku siswa kelas IV se- mester 1 sekolah dasar yang terdiri atas empat tema. Sebagai objek penelitian adalah muatan nilai-ni- lai karakter yang terkandung dalam buku tersebut. Hasil penelitian seperti berikut. (1) Buku Guru dan Buku Siswa kelas IV semester 1 telah mengembangkan nilai karakter religius, jujur, disiplin, peduli, santun, percaya diri, dan tanggung jawab. Nilai karakter dengan frekuensi kemunculan terbanyak ya- itu nilai karakter jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, dan percaya diri, kemudian diikuti nilai karakter santun dan peduli. Nilai karakter religius memiliki frekuensi kemunculan terendah dari setiap tema. Pengembangan nilai karakter terlihat pada buku teks dengan memberikan model atau contoh pe- ngembangan nilai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, melalui kegiatan pembiasaan, mengintegrasikan kompetensi dari berbagai mata pelajaran, melibatkan secara langsung siswa dalam kegiatan pembe- lajaran, dan memberikan keteladanan. (2) Nilai-nilai karakter yang memiliki kesesuaian dari setiap tema yaitu nilai karakter yang mengembangkan sikap sosial. Nilai karakter tersebut adalah jujur, disi- plin, tanggung jawab, peduli, dan percaya diri. Pada karakter religius dan santun ditemukan bebe- rapa ketidaksesuaian pada tema berbagai pekerjaan. Kata Kunci: nilai-nilai karakter, buku teks, dan sekolah dasar AN ANALYSIS OF CHARACTER VALUES IN THE TEXTBOOKS OF TEACHERS AND STUDENTS OF THE FOURTH GRADE OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ON THE FIRST SEMESTER Abstract: This study is aimed to describe: (1) the content of character values; and (2) the suitability of the character values between teacher textbooks and student textbooks of fourth grade of Elementary School on the first semester. This study is a content analysis research with the subject of the text book of teacher and student of the fourth grade of Elementary School in the first semester. The object of the research is the character values contained in the books. The results show that: (1) textbook of teachers and student of the fourth grade of elementary school in the first semester have developed a religious character values, honesty, discipline, caring, politeness, confident, and responsibility. The character val- ue with the highest frequency of occurrence value honest character, discipline, responsibility and con- fidence, followed by the character value politeness and caring. Character value of religious has the low- est frequency of occurrence of each theme. Development of the character value seen in textbooks with a model or example of the development of value in everyday life, through habituation, integrate the competencies of various subjects, direct engagement of students in learning activities, and provide exemplary. (2) The characters values that have suitability of any theme that is the character values that de- velop social attitudes. The character value is honest, discipline, responsibility, caring, and confident. Some discrepancy on the theme of various works was founded in religious character and politeness. Keywords: character values, textbook, and elementary school
Astuti, H. P., & Wuryandani, W. (2017). ANALISIS NILAI-NILAI KARAKTER PADA BUKU TEKS PEGANGAN GURU DAN SISWA KELAS IV SEMESTER 1 SEKOLAH DASAR. Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.21831/jpk.v7i2.17378
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