Abstract. Shopeepaylater is a technology transaction for debt and receivables, it has been in app name shopee. Because of some factor, student use it as needs and desire for shopping, it makes students behave consumptively. Consumptively or israf is opposite from consumption ethics in Islam. There are two factors in this research, called external factors and internal factors. External factors have an indicator that is social media, lifestyle, and social demand. Internal factor have an indicator that is allowance, financial literacy, and religiosity. The purpose of this research is first, to analyze the consumptive behavior of 2018 and 2019 Unisba Syariah Faculty students towards external factors in the use of shopeepaylater. Second, to analyze the consumptive behavior of 2018 and 2019 Unisba Syariah Faculty students towards internal factors in the use of shopeepaylater. Third, to analyze the consumptive behavior of 2018 and 2019 Unisba Faculty of Sharia students towards the use of shopeepaylater in terms of consumption ethics in Islam. Using descriptive quantitative method of analysis with multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The data collected technique was use google form of a questionnaire. The results showed that external factors and internal factors had a moderate effect on the use of shopee paylater, it was known that the R Square value of 0.485 indicated that the proportion of the influence of external factor variables (X1) and internal factors (X2) on the use of shopee paylater (Y) was 48.5% and the remaining 51.5% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.There are two indicators of external factors that are contrary to consumption ethics in Islam, namely lifestyle and social demands which are contradictory with the prohibition of tabdzir on the Qur'an and the principle of simplicity. ABSTRAK. Perilaku konsumtif atau israf bertentangan dengan etika konsumsi dalam Islam. Ada dua faktor pada penelitian ini, yaitu faktor eksternal dan faktor internal. Faktor eksternal memiliki indikator media sosial, gaya hidup, dan tuntutan sosial. Sedangkan, faktor internal memiliki indikator uang saku, literasi keuangan, dan religiusitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pertama, menganalisis perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa Fakultas Syariah Unisba 2018 dan 2019 terhadap faktor eksternal pada penggunaan shopeepaylater. Kedua, menganlisis perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa Fakultas Syariah Unisba 2018 dan 2019 pada penggunaan shopeepaylater. Ketiga, menganalisis perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa Fakultas Syariah Unisba 2018 dan 2019 terhadap penggunaan shopeepaylater ditinjau dari etika konsumsi dalam Islam. Menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif analisis dengan teknik analisis regresi linear berganda. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa faktor eksternal dan faktor internal berpengaruh secara moderat terhadap penggunaan shopeepaylater, diketahui bahwa Nilai R Square sebesar 0,485 menunjukkan bahwa proporsi pengaruh variabel faktor eksternal (X1) dan faktor internal (X2) terhadap penggunaan shopeepaylater (Y) sebesar 48,5% dan sisanya sebesar 51,5% dipengaruhi variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Ada dua indikator faktor eksternal yang bertentangan dengan etika konsumsi dalam Islam yaitu gaya hidup dan tuntutan sosial yang mana itu bertentangan dengan larangan tabdzir pada Al-Qur’an dan prinsip kesederhanaan. Indikator media sosial tidak bertentangan, dan semua indikator faktor internal tidak bertentangan dengan etika konsumsi dalam Islam.
Nurfadilah, F., & Rohmah Maulida, I. S. (2023). Analisis Perilaku Konsumtif Mahasiswa Fakultas Syariah Unisba terhadap Penggunaan Shopeepaylater ditinjau dari Etika Konsumsi dalam Islam. Jurnal Riset Ekonomi Syariah, 63–66. https://doi.org/10.29313/jres.v3i1.1751
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