Rb/Sr, 40Ar/39Ar, and Sm/Nd isotopic data are reported in Caledonian eclogites from the Lindås Nappe, Bergen Arcs, Norway, in order to investigate processes controlling isotopic equilibrium at mineral scale in polymetamorphic rocks. The Bergen Arcs exposes Sveconorwegian ̃950-930 Ma granulites, partially overprinted by Caledonian eclogite-facies metamorphism at ̃425 Ma and amphibolite-facies metamorphism at ̃410 Ma. Geochemical and Rb-Sr data from more than 10 phengite fractions separated from one sample reflect the composition of the microdomain (a few hundred microns in size) in which phengite crystallized. Phengite crystallized after garnet or plagioclase by dissolution-precipitation processes yield apparent age between 700 and 600 Ma. At the time of their crystallization, these phengites inherited the isotopic composition of their precursor minerals, at a microdomain scale. Phengite from quartz veins, which crystallized from elements mobilized by the circulating fluid, yield an age closer to the eclogite-facies metamorphic age. The closed system evolution of the eclogitizing fluid, the segregation of textural and reactional microdomains, the high Sr content of the studied phengite, and the short duration of the recrystallization processes (<1Ma) are interpreted as the main factors responsible for the lack of a Rb/Sr isotopic equilibrium, at the scale of hand samples. Such equilibrium is nevertheless reached in quartz veins where the crystallization of minerals implies that the fluid circulation acted as a factor of isotopic homogenization. The in situ single mineral Ar/Ar datings revealed that both eclogite-and amphibolitefacies minerals are characterized by an excess of radiogenic argon (ages between 425 and 520 Ma). The excess of argon has been inherited from the previous granulite and has been only partially evacuated from the system by the circulating fluid. The apparent Sm/Nd ages from garnets inherited from the granulitefacies metamorphism (c. 930 Ma) are in agreement with previous estimates. This result confirms that the diffusion of Nd in garnet does not occur at temperatures lower than 700°C. This study highlights the complexity of radiochronometer behavior during HP metamorphism and demonstrates that coupling different radiochronometers, such as Ar/Ar and Rb/Sr, does not always guarantee the validity of the geochronological results. © 2008 by the American Geophysical Union.
Schneider, J., Bosch, D., & Monié, P. (2008). Individualization of textural and reactional microdomains in eclogites from the Bergen Arcs (Norway): Consequences for Rb/Sr and Ar/Ar radiochronometer behavior during polymetamorphism. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9(12). https://doi.org/10.1029/2008GC002098
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