Budget investments are a necessary prerequisite for investment development of the state. In the EU member countries, budgetary investment contributes to the implementation of profitable or non-profitable, but socially significant projects, which enable the activation of investment processes, both at the macro and micro levels. The need to use budget investments as a stimulus for economic growth determines the need for an in-depth study of the theoretical and applied principles of their implementation, as well as substantiation of the prospects for reforming the management of budget investments in Ukraine in the context of international experience. Based on the analysis of domestic experience and the generalization of foreign practice, the components and key principles of budget investment management are defined, which emphasize the need for cooperation at all levels of government in the context of coordination, facilitation, and institutionalization. A set of measures to reform the management of budgetary investments in Ukraine is proposed, based on the use of an information model, which, in contrast to the known ones, provides for the improvement of planning (through the development of a national strategy and/or plan of budgetary investments, the use of medium-term fiscal frame-works, the introduction of budgeting based on results, the introduction of preliminary assessment of budgetary investments and the introduction of their independent expertise), distribution (for the implementation of the strategic goals of post-war infrastructure restoration, the development of the green and digital economy and ensuring social and economic stability) and use (on the basis of the introduction of repeated technical and economic substantiation, the introduction of accrual accounting, timely and full financing and control of implementation) of budget investments, which enables the implementation of only the most high-priority state investment projects that have clear technical characteristics, have undergone a thorough approval and selection procedure, are financially accessible and to a large extent ensure economic growth and public welfare.
Rudenko, V., Pohrishchuk, H., Moskvichova, O., Bei, S., & Smahlo, O. (2024). PROSPECTS FOR REFORMING THE BUDGET INVESTMENTS MANAGEMENT IN UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE. Financial and Credit Activity: Problems of Theory and Practice, 3(56), 97–117. https://doi.org/10.55643/fcaptp.3.56.2024.4286
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