ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kapasitas kinerja mesin dalam produksi pakan pellet ayam pedaging fase finisher dengan berbagai bahan perekat. Penelitian disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dengan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan penambahan bahan perekat yaitu P0 = tanpa menggunakan bahan perekat, P1 = penambahan molases 2%, P2 = penambahan tepung tapioka 2%, P3 = penambahan bentonit 2%. Parameter yang diukur dalam penelitian adalah kinerja teoritis dan kinerja aktual mesin pellet, ukuran diameter dan panjang pellet, serta kualitas organoleptik pellet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan berbagai bahan perekat tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0.05) terhadap kinerja teoritis mesin pellet, kinerja aktual mesin pellet, serta ukuran diameter dan panjang pellet. Berdasarkan uji organoleptik pellet dengan kriteria tekstur, warna, serta bau menunjukkan bahwa lebih 50% panelis memberi penilaian kategori baik pada kriteria tersebut pada pellet yang diberi bahan perekat. namun, perlakuan tanpa bahan perekat sebanyak 41,67% panelis menyatakan teskstur pellet dengan kategori jelek. Disimpulkan bahwa dengan penambahan berbagai bahan perekat tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja mesin pellet, dan ukuran partikel pellet, untuk uji organoleptik menunjukkan lebih 50% panelis menyatakan kategori baik pada kriteria tekstur, warna serta bau, sedangkan tanpa bahan perekat persentase tertinggi panelis menyatakan teskstur pellet dengan kategori jelek.Kata kunci: bahan perekat, kinerja mesin, kualitas fisik, organoleptik pelletABSTRACTThis research aims to determine performance capacity of the machine in production of finisher phase broiler pellet feed with various binders. The research used a completely randomized design (CRD) consist of 4 treatments with 4 replications. The treatment of adding binders are P0 = without using binders, P1 = addition 2% molasses, P2 = addition 2% tapioca flour, P3 = addition 2% bentonite. The parameters measured in the research were the theoretical performance and actual performance of the pellet machine, the diameter and length of the pellet, as well as the organoloptic quality of pellet. The results showed the addition of a variety of binders no significant effect (P>0.05) against the theoretical performance of pellet machines, the actual performance of pellet machines, as well as the size of diameter and length of pellets. Based on organoleptic test pellets with texture, color, and smell criteria showed that more than 50% of panelists gave a category rating on the criteria on pellets that were given binders. On the other hand, treatment without adhesives as much as 41,67% of panelists stated that the texture of pellets was in the bad category. It can be concluded that the addition of various binders has no effect on the performance of the machine, and the size of the pellet particles. For the organoleptic test, it showed that more than 50% of panelists stated good categories in the criteria of texture, color and smell, while without adhesive, the highest percentage of panelists stated that the pellet texture was in the bad category.Keywords: binder, machine performance, physical quality, organoleptic pellet
Amal, I., Jamila, J., & Syamsu, J. A. (2020). Kinerja Mesin Pellet dalam Produksi Pakan Ayam Pedaging Fase Finisher. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis, 7(3), 211. https://doi.org/10.33772/jitro.v7i3.13492
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