A new kentriodontid (Cetacea: Delphinoidea) from the Middle Miocene of Hungary

  • Kazár E
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Mediocris commenticius n. gen., n. sp. is herein described as a kentriodontid dolphin from the Sarmatian (late Middle Miocene) of south Hungary, territory of the ancient Central Paratethys Sea. The type specimen is an incomplete skeleton including a distorted skull and mandibles with teeth, ear bones, elements of both flippers, and numerous vertebrae. Mediocris commenticius has a nasal bone morphology that differs from all delphinoid taxa, but is most similar to members of the Pithanodelphininae Barnes, 1985. The nasals are triangular, not inflated, have a faint anterolateral notch, and diverge posteriorly. On the basis of the nasal bone morphology, the new species shows affinities to Pithanodelphis, and is less derived than Atocetus and Sarmatodelphis. Due to the incompleteness of the cranial vertex of the type and only known skull, however, the species is only tentatively referred to the subfamily Pithanodelphininae. Mediocris commenticius n. gen., n. sp. wird als Kentriodontide aus dem Sarmatium (spätes Mittelmiozän) von Südungarn beschrieben, aus dem Gebiet des ehemaligen zentral-paratethyschen Meeres. Der Holotypus ist ein unvollständiges Skelett; erhalten sind der zusammengepresste Schädel, Unterkiefer mit Zähnen, Gehörknochen, Knochenelemente beider Brustflossen sowie zahlreiche Wirbel. Die Morphologie der Nasale der neuen Art unterscheidet sich von allen beschriebenen Taxa der Kentriodontidae, weist aber auf Verwandtschaft mit den Pithanodelphinen hin. Die Nasalia sind dreieckig, nicht extrem vergrößert, sie haben eine schwach ausgebildete anterolaterale Kerbe und sie divergieren in caudaler Richtung. Anhand der Morphologie der Nasale steht M. commenticius der Art Pithanodelphis cornutus nahe und ist weniger stark spezialisiert als Atocetus und Sarmatodelphis. Wegen der unvollständigen Erhaltung des cranialen Vertex ist Mediocris commenticius allerdings nur mit Vorbehalt in die Unterfamilie Pithanodelphininae einzuordnen. doi: 10.1002/mmng.200410004


  • Fig. 1. Geographic map of the type locality of Mediocris commenticius n. gen. n. sp. Inserted maps: The type locality within Hungary (top), and the position of Hungary within Europe (bottom).
  • Fig. 2. Lithological section of the type locality of Mediocris commenticius n. gen. n. sp. at Kovácsszénája (south Hungary). The dominant macrofaunal elements are indicated on the right of each bed.
  • Fig. 3. Mediocris commenticius n. gen. n. sp. from Kovácsszénája, Hungary. A – dorsal view, B – ventral view of holotype skull, MTM V.93.2; C – Close-up of the nasal bones in dorsal view.
  • Fig. 4. Mediocris commenticius n. gen. n. sp. from Kovácsszénája, Hungary. A – dorsal view; B – ventral view of holotype skull, MTM V.93.2. Without scale. Abbreviations: al – alar process of basioccipital; an – antorbital notch; aps – anteromedial premaxillary sulcus; c – occipital condyle; exo – exoccipital; fm – foramen magnum; fmx – anterior maxillary foramen; fpmx – premaxillary foramen; fr – frontal; gf – glenoid fossa; if – ventral infraorbital foramina; ju – jugal; la – lacrimal; lc – lambdoid crest; ma – mandibles; me – mesethmoid; mef – mental foramina; mg – mesorostral gutter, mx – maxilla; n – nasal; na – naris; nc – nuchal crest; npm – nasal plug muscle attachment site; pao – paroccipital process of exoccipital; pmx – premaxilla; pt – pterygoid; so – supraoccipital; td – triangular depression of maxilla; tf – temporal fossa; ty – left tympanic bulla; vo – vomer; zyg – zygomatic process of squamosal.
  • Table 1 Mediocris commenticius n. gen. n. sp. from Kovácsszénája, Hungary. Measurements of the skull, mandibles and tympanic bulla of the holotype, MTM V.93.2 (in mm, 0.5 mm); parentheses denote estimated measurements.
  • Fig. 6. Mediocris commenticius n. gen. n. sp. from Kovácsszénája, Hungary, MÁFI V.21681. A–C – Left periotic of the holotype in A – dorsal view; B – ventral view; C – medial view; D – Stapes attached to the left periotic of the holotype.
  • Fig. 5. Mediocris commenticius n. gen. n. sp. from Kovácsszénája, Hungary. MTM V.93.2, right tympanic bulla of the holotype in A – medial view; B – lateral view; C – dorsal view; D – ventral view.
  • Table 2 Measurements of the periotics of the holotype and referred specimens of Mediocris commenticius n. gen. n. sp. (in mm). All referred periotics are from Danitz-puszta, Hungary. 1. Length of periotic (from tip of anterior process to posterior end of posterior process); 2. Width of periotic across pars cochlearis and ventrolateral tuberosity; 3. Distance between internal auditory meatus and endolymphatic foramen; 4. Distance between internal auditory meatus and perilymphatic foramen; 5. Distance between endolymphatic and perilymphatic foramina; 6. Anteroposterior diameter of pars cochlearis at base. Mean values were calculated with the exclusion of the right periotic of the holotype.

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Kazár, E. (2005). A new kentriodontid (Cetacea: Delphinoidea) from the Middle Miocene of Hungary. Fossil Record, 8(1), 53–73. https://doi.org/10.5194/fr-8-53-2005

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