World Wide Web is the indispensable source for millions of millions user. The primary goal of the www is provide the most relevant, valid and right information for the end user to who is looking for the information. In this paper we conducted study on various term extraction method used recently by the researchers and we have made a comparative study of various term extraction techniques used in past. Finally we proposed a novel method of improving end user search experience by combining the task trail based user behavior and Automatic facet searching. Also this approach can be further taken forward by enhancing the facets search by referencing the well done Wikipedia for the descriptive based user search goal. The scope of the Automatic facets searching can be further enhanced for the product based product standard specification. Our scopes of work will predominately combining the Automatic facets with the user behavior from the task trail and adding product based standardization to improve the end search experience.
Task Trail Based Enhanced User Experience in Customer Facing Website using Automatic Facet Construction Techniques. (2019). International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9S3), 822–825.
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