Abstract ?é?á Based on the data analysis of monograph in Bubakan Village, whichhas various kinds of?é?á potential local resources (e.q:fruits, plants vegetable and cattle), Posdaya Durian Jayaas a partner of IbM, has some potential activities that can be developed?é?á as pioneer of potential local tourist resort intheareaofBubakanvillage. The present activities of the Posdaya are divided into several fields:a.Education;b.Health;c.Entrepreneurship; andd.Environment Care. Those localpotentialresources were still needed serious managerial development in accordance todesign a new local tourist resort. The IbM activities in RW02 Bubakan aimed at 1) making cat fish abon and various food from flourmocaf, 2) conducting a seminar with village officials, community leaders, and the group Posdaya to design a?é?á tourist village. 3) socializing about?é?á nutrients forchildren in Posyandu ?óÔé¼?ôMawar Dua?óÔé¼?Ø. Keyword: local potential resources, Posdaya Durian Jaya, local tourist resort
. R., . S., Sulistyaningsih, M., Roshayati, F., Handayani, A., & Munawar, M. (2015). IbM PENGEMBANGAN POTENSI LOKAL POSDAYA DURIAN JAYA MENUJU DESA WISATA DI KELURAHAN BUBAKAN, KEC. MIJEN, KOTA SEMARANG. E-DIMAS, 6(2), 85. https://doi.org/10.26877/e-dimas.v6i2.966
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