The decisive factor in trauma is that many processes first occur at the cellular level before they can be determined in laboratory tests, and recognition of them has only recently found its way into intensive care practice. Yet knowledge of the pathophysiology of these processes is essential for an early diagnosis of multiple organ failure and the implementation of adequate therapy, which ultimately make the patient's survival possible. Professor Schlag, an internationally renowned scientist and clinician, has been concerned with the basic pathophysiological principles of shock for many years. In this book he has brought together for the first time an international team of authors primarily from the USA and Europe, who present their collective findings of trauma, shock, development of the organ in shock and early failure and of sepsis-like syndrome, and development of septic multiple organ failure. Patienten mit Multiorganversagen haben immer noch eine schlechte Prognose in der intensivmedizinischen Behandlung, insbesondere wenn sie noch zusätzlich in einen septischen Schock geraten. Hier hilft auch oft eine breite Abdeckung mit modernsten Antibiotika nicht weiter. Neue Ansätze für eine Therapie dieser problempatienten haben sich in den letzten Jahren durch Erkenntnisse der pathophysiologischeen Vorgänge die zum Schock führen ergeben. Herr Professor Schlag hat als anerkannte Kapazität auf dem Gebiet der Traumatologie und Schockforschung für dieses erste umfassende Werk zu den Grundlagen des Multiorganversagens eine beeindruckende Liste von mehr als 50 international renommierten Autoren zusammenbekommen. Das Buch ist nicht nur eine Aufarbeitung aller Grundlagen des Schocks und Multiorganversagens sondern zudem ein ausgezeichnetes Nachschlagewerk für jeden intensivmedizinisch tätigen Klinikarzt, egal ob er aus der Anästhesie, der Inneren Medizin oder der Unfallchirurgie kommt. Introduction: 'Organ in Shock', 'Early Organ Failure', 'Late Organ Failure' -- Trauma, Shock and Development of the Organ in Shock and Early Organ Failure (SIRS) -- Shock, Sepsis, and Multiple Organ Failure: The Result of Whole-Body Inflammation -- The Role of Complement -- Activation of Humoral Systems. The Role of Coagulation, Fibrinolysis, and the Plasma Kallikrein-Kinin System -- Proteinases -- Cellular Mechanisms of Leukocyte Adhesion -- Eicosanoids in Trauma and Traumatic Shock -- Radical Related Cell Injury -- Humoral Mechanisms -- Monocyte and Lymphocyte Responses Following Trauma -- Metabolic Response to Trauma -- Morphology of the Lung as a Consequence of Direct and Indirect Trauma -- Permeability Changes -- Cardiac Function During Hypovolemia -- Cardiodepressant Factors -- Response of the Macrocirculation -- Response of the Microcirculation: Tissue Oxygenation -- Cardiovascular Function in Acute Burns -- Morphology of the Liver in Shock -- Bacterial Translocation -- Bacterial Translocation During Traumatic Shock in Baboons -- Bacterial Translocation in Polytrauma Patients -- Bacterial Translocation in Burns -- Hypoxic Damage -- Reperfusion Injury in the Small Intestine -- Kidney Blood Flow Changes in Shock -- Central Nervous System Response to Trauma -- Rat and Mouse Models of Hypovolemic-Traumatic Shock -- Hypovolemic-Traumatic Shock Models in Baboons -- The Development of the Sepsis and Multi-Organ-Dysfunction-Syndrome (MODS) -- The Active Principle of Bacterial Lipopolysaccharides (Endotoxins) for Cytokine Induction -- LPS Plasma Levels in Patients -- Bacterial Exotoxins and Vascular Injury -- Complement in Sepsis -- Activation of Humoral Systems: Coagulation, Fibrinolysis, and Plasma Kallikrein-Kinin Systems -- The Cytokine Network in Trauma and Sepsis I: TNF and IL-8 -- The Cytokine Network in Sepsis II: IL-1 and IL-6 -- Platelet-Activating Factor in Shock, Sepsis, and Organ Failure -- Endotoxin Activation of Eicosanoid Production by Macrophages -- Proteolytic Enzyme Systems -- Activation/Adherence Phenomena of Leukocytes and Endothelial Cells in Trauma and Sepsis -- Procoagulant Response of the Endothelium and Monocytes -- The Role of the L-Arginine Nitric Oxide Pathway in Sepsis and Endotoxaemia with Special Reference to Vascular Impairment -- Cytokine Modulation of Glucose Metabolism -- Mechanism of Insulin Resistance in Infection -- The Host Defense to Trauma and Sepsis: Multiple Organ Failure as a Manifestation of Host Defense Failure Disease -- Experimentally Induced DIC -- DIC as a Cause of MOF -- Three Clinical Presentations of E. coli Sepsis as Studied in the Baboon Model -- Morphology of the Lung in Late Septic Shock -- Morphological Changes in Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Experimental and Clinical Data -- The Role of Respiratory Failure in Multiorgan Failure -- Fibronectin and the Reticuloendothelial System: Relationship to Lung Vascular Failure During Septic Shock -- Abnormalities of the Lung Surfactant System in Acute Lung Injury -- Experimental Models in Surfactant Research -- Myocardial Dysfunction in Experimental Shock -- 'Negative Inotropic Cascades' in Cardiomyocytes Triggered by Substances Relevant to Sepsis -- Myocardial Dysfunction in Experimental Septic Shock -- Pathomorphological Aspects of the Heart in Septic Patients -- Clinical Manifestations of Cardiovascular Dysfunction in Sepsis -- Coronary Hemodynamics and Myocardial Metabolism in Sepsis and Septic Shock -- Peripheral Macro- and Microcirculation -- Relationship Between Oxygen Demand and Oxygen Supply in Severe Sepsis -- Hepatic Responses to Bacterial Endotoxin (LPS) -- Experimental Liver Failure -- Hepatic Dysfunction in Shock and Organ Failure -- Sepsis Related Renal Morphological Alterations and the Functional Correlates -- The Kidney in Sepsis -- Neurologic Abnormalities in Sepsis -- The Multiple Organ or System Failure Syndrome -- Models of Endotoxemia in Rodents -- Models of Endotoxemia in Sheep -- Rodent Models of Endotoxemia and Sepsis -- Sheep and Pigs as Animal Models of Bacteremia -- Live Escherichia coli Sepsis Models in Baboons -- Animal Models of Endotoxemia and Sepsis -- Models of Sepsis: Subacute Peritonitis in Sheep and Rats -- Chronic Models of Endotoxemia and Sepsis: Lessons from Both a Canine Peritonitis and a Human Endotoxemia Model.
Edlin, S. A. (1993). Book Review: Pathophysiology of shock, sepsis and organ failure. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 21(6), 902–903.
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