From sculpture to post-muralism. Public Art Policies in Urban Regeneraton processes The objectve of this work is to address the relatonships between the processes of urban regeneraton and public art. A difficult and complicated issue due, in large part, to the polysemy of the two concepts, to the enormous disparity of politcal, urban and artstc practces, and to influence areas where the cultural vision of the empire predominates. As in other areas of the arts, and social and human sciences, in recent decades there has been a very uncritcal consideraton of the mainstream of the disciplines with respect to assuming the thesis of the literature from the US. and also, of the Anglo-Saxon world. As is well known, this bibliography is based solely on the experiences and reflectons developed in its environment without considering what happens in the rest of the world. This attude demonstrates the value of cultural penetraton, imperialist, in the field of the referred disciplines. In any case, it seems pertnent to speak of urban regeneraton from urban processes, developed throughout the world, after the Second World War. This concept brings together diverse and disparate realites, relatng to urban practces for the renewal of urban fabrics, new fabrics and historical fabrics, within the framework of the processes of economic and social development that took place in the period from 1945 to 1973, with an enormous impact on human growth-migratons and concentraton of the populaton in a few areas of the territory- and on the physical development of cites, dominated by urban planning criteria and by the functonalist thinking of the Modern Movement in the framework of the consolidaton of the Welfare State. These processes were based on the belief in physical determinism on the part of those who design interventon policies, in such a way that, based on this alleged link between physical and social aspects, "the renovaton of the physical aspects of the neighbourhood was used to solve eminently social problems (for example, through the extreme case of demoliton - same houses in good conditon - and reconstructon) "(Pareja-Eastaway, M, 2007). It is in this context that we can also talk about Public Art. In effect, these urban transformatons are closely associated with a set - diverse and differentated - of artstc interventons on the territory and on the constructed, generally propitated within the framework of public policies linked to Urban Regeneraton. Finally, we will analyze the evoluton of these relatons, when the transiton from industrial to post-industrial societes takes place in the context of the so-called "third industrial revoluton" and the role that the politcal incorporaton of marginal graffiti practces has had in the substtuton? of the previous policies of public art in what we call post-muralism.
Remesar, A. (2019). Del arte público al post-muralismo. Polítcas de decoro urbano en procesos de Regeneración Urbana. On the W@terfront, 61(1), 3–65.
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