One of the primary tasks of sunflower breeding is the development of inbred lines by interspecific hybridization for the purpose of obtaining high-yielding, stable hybrids that are characterized by altered plant appearance and the ability to produce a higher number of plants per unit area under intensive agriculture conditions. Studied in this paper by the line x tester method were seven new divergent cms inbred lines (A) lines, three Rf restorers utilized as testers, and 21 F1 hybrids developed. Significant differences in the mean values of all the traits studied were observed. Highly significant GCA and SCA values were obtained for petiole length (PL) and total leaf area per plant (TLA). The nonadditive component of genetic variance played the main role in the inheritance of both these traits. This was confirmed by the GCA/SCA ratios for PL and LA in the F1 generation, which were below the value of one (0.43 and 0.07, respectively). The greatest average contribution to the expression of PL (49.9%) and TLA (57.1%) was found in the female A lines. A positive correlation was found between seed yield (SY) and PL (0.374*) and TLA (0.630**), while seed oil content (SOC) and TLA were found to be negatively correlated (-0.520**). The findings of this study can be used in the development of new high-yielding sunflower hybrids with high yields based on interspecific hybridization.Jedan od primarnih zadataka oplemenjivanja suncokreta je stvaranje inbred linija putem interspecijes hibridizacije radi dobijanja visokoprinosnih i stabilnih hibrida promenjenog izgleda koji u uslovima intenzivne agrotehnike omogucavaju povecanje broja biljaka po jedinici povrsine. Za linija x tester analizu korisceno je sedam novih divergentnih (A) citoplazmatski musko sterilnih inbred linija nastalih interspecijes hibridizacijom, tri Rf-restorer linije kao testeri i 21 hibrid F1 generacije. Dobijene su znacajne razlike u srednjim vrednostima za sva ispitivana svojstva. Izracunate su visoko znacajne vrednosti OKS i PKS za duzinu lisne drske (DLD) i ukupne lisne povrsine po biljci (ULP). Glavnu ulogu u nasledjivanju oba svojstva ima neaditivna komponenta genetske varijanse. To potvrdjuje i odnos OKS/PKS u F1 generaciji koji je manji od jedinice i iznosi 0.43 za DLD i 0.07 za ULP. Najveci prosecan doprinos u ekspresiji ovih svojstava imale su A-linije majke i to (49.9%) za DLD i (57.1%) za ULP. Ustanovljena je pozitivna medjuzavisnost prinosa semena (PS) sa DLD (0.374*) i ULP (0.630**). Izmedju sadrzaja ulja u semenu (SU) i ULP ustanovljena je znacajna negativna medjuzavisnost (-0.520**). Ova istrazivanja mogu biti od znacaja za stvaranje novih visoko prinosnih genotipova suncokreta na bazi interspecies hibridizacije.
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Hladni, N., Skoric, D., & Kraljevic-Balalic, M. (2008). Line X tester analysis of morphophysiological traits and their correlations with seed yield and oil content in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Genetika, 40(2), 135–144.