“Climate change" is a change which is recognized directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere (UNFCCC). Agriculture is essentially sensitive to climatic changes and is one of the most vulnerable sectors. Climate change directly affects agriculture production and production efficiency. It affects agriculture in terms of productivity, agricultural practices, environmental effects, Empowering farmwomen to respond to the challenges posed by climate change is the need of the hour. Climate change and environmental degradation represent a great threat to poverty reduction, gender equality and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs. Its impact is not only on food production but also on health, food security, nutrition, migration, and people’s earnings. Awareness, perceptions and knowledge play a key role in shaping individual and collective response to climate change. Understanding gender dimensions of climate change, awareness and knowledge contributes to effective climate change adaptation. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is one of the integrative approach to address these interlinked challenges of food security and climate change, clearly aiming at food security, increase productivity and incomes, build resilience to climate change, and reduce emissions from agricultural systems. Farms, crops, livestock aquaculture and Fisheries Management, better resource management as well ecosystem and land management leading to the increase in the resource efficiency and resilience. CSA provide a platform for shared learning and collaboration among all interested Farm women and Farmers. The study explored the awareness levels of the farm women from 6 adopted villages of All India Coordinated Project on Home Science (AICRP –HSc) through questionnaire-based personal interviews involving 100 respondents. Majority of the respondents were farmers with marginal and small land holdings. Findings of the study revealed that most (74) of the respondents are not very well aware of the climate change. Whereas only few (26) of the respondents were aware that deforestation is the main cause for the climate change. Hence the study recommends a requirement for scientists, government and non-government agents and other stakeholders to focus on awareness creation on climate change and mitigating approaches in perception of crop Rotation, drought tolerant varieties, Zero Tillage, Weather Forecasting, Indigenous technologies etc. K e y w o r d s
Rani, N., & Jyothi, U. (2020). Climate Smart Agriculture - Awareness of Farm Women. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 9(9), 3509–3516. https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2020.909.435
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