Abstrak Penelitian ini berjudul Talak Suami Pada Saat Istri Hamil Menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam Dan Budaya Lokal Di Masyarakat Rt.04 Rw.02 Kelurahan 29 ilir Kota sering terjadi di masyarakat dan terjadi pula di lokasi Rt 04 Rw 02 Kelurahan 29 Ilir Kota Palembang, sehingga peneliti ingin menggali latar belakang di masalah tersebut dan mengetahui hukum talak terhadap wanita hamil. Adapun rumusan masalah skripsi ini sebagai berikut bagaimana hukum talak yang di jatuhkan suami pada saat istri hamil menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam? dan bagaimana persepsi budaya lokal masyarakat RT 04 RW 02 Kelurahan 29 Ilir Kota Palembang terhadap talak yang dijatuhkan suami pada saat istri hamil. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif, dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa menurut pandangan KHI tidak dilarang namun terdapat massa iddahnya tunggu sang istri sampai melahirkan dan menurut budaya Masyarakat Rt.04 Rw.02 Kelurahan 29 Ilir Kota Palembang dilarang karena hendaklah suami memikirkan kondisi istrinya yang dalam kondisi hamil seperti ini sangat memerlukan perhatian untuk kesehatan janin yang ada dalam kandungan istrinya tersebut. Kata kunci: Talak, Wanita Hamil, Budaya Lokal Abstract This research is entitled Husband's divorce when the wife is pregnant local culture community Rt.04 Rw.02 Kelurahan 29 Ilir, Palembang City. The reason the researcher wants to discuss this problem is because this often occurs in the community and also occurs at the location of Rt 04 Rw 02 Kelurahan 29 Ilir, Palembang City, so the researcher wants to explore the background on the problem and know the law of divorce against pregnant women. The formulation of the problem of this thesis is as follows, how is the law of divorce imposed by a husband when a pregnant wife is pregnant according to the compilation of Islamic law? and how the local cultural perceptions of the community at RT 04 RW 02 Kelurahan 29 Ilir, Palembang City regarding talak that was dropped by the husband when the wife was pregnant. The method used is a qualitative approach, the data sources used in this study are primary and secondary, the data collection methods used in this research are field interviews and documentation. according to view compilation Islamic law on divorce by a wife who is pregnant is not prohibited in KHI but there is a mass of iddahnya waiting for her to give birth and according to the culture of Rt.04 Rw.02 Kelurahan 29 Ilir, Palembang City thinking about the condition of his wife who is pregnant like this really requires sufficient attention to maintain health and a healthy and nutritious diet that is sufficient for the health of the fetus in his wife's womb. Key words : Talak, Pregnant woman, Regional Culture
Fadhilah, F., Zailia, S., & Aziz, S. (2021). TALAK SUAMI PADA SAAT ISTRI HAMIL MENURUT KOMPILASI HUKUM ISLAM (KHI) DAN BUDAYA LOKAL. Muqaranah, 5(1), 45–54. https://doi.org/10.19109/muqaranah.v5i1.9209
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