Organophosphate compounds are a diverse group of chemicals used in both domestic and industrial settings. Their application is still the most effective and accepted means for the protection of plants from pests, and has contributed significantly to enhanced agricultural productivity and crop yields. Some have also been used in the medical treatment of various disease conditions. The common use of insecticides in public health and agricultural schedules has caused severe environmental pollution and potential health hazards including severe acute and chronic cases of human and animal poisonings. This cross-sectional study sought to determine the prevalence of organophosphate poisoning among the community living around Kericho County Hospital. Purposely selected patients aged 15-40 years attending Kericho County Hospital were interviewed and data collected was analysed using Microsoft excel and SPSS.Results showed that organophosphate poisoning accounted for 5% of patients attending the County Hospital. Analysis of data from patients interviewed revealed that their poisoning was intentional and none was due to occupational exposure. Males accounted for the larger percentage (74%) against a female percentage of 26%. 94% of the patients admitted had relationship being a reason for taking poison while 46%had an intention to die and were among those admitted during the night. Definition of Terms Hypopnoea: Breathing that is shallower or slower, than normal. Apnoea: Absence of breathing. Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver, due usually to viral infection but sometimes to toxicagents. Myocardium: The middle layer of the heart, consisting of heart muscle. Neurotransmitter: Any specific chemical agent (including acetylcholine, five amines, fouramino acids, two purines, and more than 28 peptides) released by apresynaptic cell, on excitation, that crosses the synapse to stimulate orinhibit the postsynaptic cell. More than one may be released at any givensynapse. Acetylcholine: A neurotransmitter. Acetyl cholinesterase: An enzyme that hydrolyses acetylcholine. Hydrolyse: Removal of H and OH as water; the process leads to formation of new double bondswithin the affected molecule. Hypoglycaemia: Symptoms resulting from low blood glucose (normal glucose range 60-100mg/dL [3.3-5.6
Sang, R. K. A., & Kimani, J. (2016). Organophosphate Poisoning among Patients attending Kericho County Hospital, Kenya. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 15(08), 114–125.
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