• Kusuma R
  • Ujianto R
  • Wigati R
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Abstrak: Dengan ditetapkannya Kelurahan Kubangsari sebagai desa budaya berdasarkan keputusan Wali Kota Cilegon nomor 430/Kep.631-Disparbud/2019, dipandang perlu untuk mengidentifikasi local advantage berupa atraksi kesenian dan wisata religi. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat melalui pendekatan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) adalah melakukan penyusunan potensi desa untuk memunculkan jati diri dan keunikan budaya setempat dalam mewujudkan destinasi Desa Budaya di Kota Cilegon. Melalui metode pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif, in depth interview, participatory mapping terhadap objek potensi desa dengan cara menginventarisir, mengidentifikasi data dasar potensi budaya dengan melibatkan unsur lembaga: Bappedalitbang, Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Disperkim, Camat, Lurah, LPPM Untirta, Kelompok Sadar Budaya, kelompok masyarakat, tokoh masyarakat dan tokoh pemuda serta PKK. Hasil keputusan disepakati dalam dokumen berita acara FGD tanggal 10 November 2022 yang dihadiri 16 orang pemangku kepentingan. Berita acara tersebut berisi kesepakatan isu strategis dalam penataan kawasan desa budaya. Data yang sudah disepakati selanjutnya dapat dijadikan acuan dalam penyusunan masterplan kawasan, program pengembangan sarana prasarana lingkungan dan fasilitas pendukung, pelaksanaan pekerjaan perencanaan Detail Engineering Design.Abstract: With the designation of the Kubangsari Village as a cultural village based on the decision of the Mayor of Cilegon number 430/Kep.631-Disparbud/2019, it is deemed necessary to identify local advantages in the form of artistic attractions and religious tourism. The purpose of community service activities through the approach Focus Groups Discussion (FGD) is to organize village potential to bring out local identity and cultural uniqueness in realizing the destination of a Cultural Village in Cilegon City. Through the method of quantitative descriptive approach, in-depth interview, participatory mapping of village potential objects by taking inventory, identifying basic data on cultural potential by involving elements of institutions: Bappedalitbang, Education and Culture Office, Disperkim, Camat, Lurah, LPPM Untirta, Culture Awareness Groups, community groups, community leaders and youth leaders as well as the PKK. The results of the decision were agreed upon in the minutes' document of the FGD on 10 November 2022 which was attended by 16 stakeholders. The minutes of the event contains an agreement on strategic issues in structuring the cultural village area. The data that has been agreed upon can then be used as a reference in the preparation masterplan area, development program for environmental infrastructure and supporting facilities, implementation of planning work Detail Engineering Design.




Kusuma, R. I., Ujianto, R., & Wigati, R. (2023). PENYUSUNAN POTENSI DESA BUDAYA MELALUI FOCUS GROUP DISCUSS BERBASIS LOCAL ADVANTAGE. JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri), 7(3), 2423.

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