Ten genotypes of amaranth were being studied for three years. Morphological and productive characteristics - plant height, foliage per plant, average foliage length, average foliage width, mass per plant, and seed mass per plant were the subject of this research. Variability of these traits was analyzed and classification of the genotypes by the method of major components was conducted. Variability within a specific trait was significant. In case of the plant height it ranged between 93.18 cm (genotype 9 - A. cruentus) and 160.78 cm (genotype 1 - A mantegazzianus); foliage per plant raged between 12.89 (genotype 10 - A cruentus) and 23.46 (genotype I - A mantegazzianus); average foliage length varied from 14.77 cm (genotype 9 - A cruentus) to 26.72 cm (genotype 1 - A mantegazzianus); average foliage width ranged between 6.30 cm (genotype 9 - A cruentus) and 14.46 cm (genotype 1 - A mantegazzianus); foliage mass per plant ranged between 94.05 g (genotype 3 - A molleros) and 246.81 g (genotype 1 - A mantegazzianus). Seed mass per plant varied from 45.56 g (genotype 3 - A molleros) to 67.55 g (genotype I - A mantegazzianus). The major components method, i.e. factor analysis indicated that the characteristics such as: plant height, average foliage length and average foliage width, had a significant factor loading with the first factor. These traits are of a crucial importance for genotype variability. Foliage number and foliage mass were significantly correlated with the second factor, meaning that they were of a minor importance for the genotype variability. Such results offer guidance with respect to the plant modeling, i.e. indicate how to proceed with the breeding program of this species.U trogodisnjem raduje ispitivano deset genotipova amarantusa. Ispitivane su morfoloske i produktivne osobine - visina biljke, broj listova po biljci, duzina srednjeg lista, sirina srednjeg lista, masa lista po biljci i masa zrna po biljci. Analizirana je varijabilnost navedenih osobina i izvrsena klasifikacija metodom glavnih komponenti. Varijabilnost u okviru pojedinih osobina je znacajna i iznosi za visinu biljke od 93,18 cm (genotip 9 - A. emeritus) do 160,78 cm (genotip 1 - A. mantegazzianus); broj listova po biljci od 12,89 (genotip 10 - A. eruentus) do 23,46 (genotip 1 - A. mantegazzianus); duzinu srednjeg lista od 14,77 cm (genotip 9 - A. eruentus) do 26,72 cm (genotip 1 - A. mantegazzianus); sirinu srednjeg lista od 6,30 cm (genotip 9 - A. eruentus) do 14,46 cm (genotip 1 - A. mantegazzianus); masu lista po biljci od 94,05 g (genotip 3 - A. molleros) do 246,81 g (genotip 1 - A. mantegazzianus),i za masu zrna po biljci od 45,56 g (genotip 3 - A. molleros) do 67,55 g (genotip 1 - A. mantegazzianus). Metod glavnih komponenti tj. faktorska analiza pokazuje da znacajnu faktorsku opterecenost sa prvim faktorom imaju osobine - visina biljke, duzina srednjeg lista i sirina srednjeg lista. Ove osobine su od prvorazrednog znacaja za varijabilnost genotipova. Sa drugim faktorom znacajno su korelirane osobine, broj listova i masa lista, sto znaci da su one od drugorazrednog znacaja za varijabilnost genotipova. Ovakvi rezultati nas usmeravaju u modeliranje biljke, odnosno ukazuje na pravac programa selekcije ove kulture.
Vujacic, V. (2005). Variability and factor analysis of morphological and productive characteristics of species of the genus Amaranthus. Genetika, 37(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.2298/gensr0501001v
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