This chapter describes the design of racing yachts with composite materials at HDS, an SME specialized in marine design and calculation. Three case studies are presented to illustrate the company expertise. First, a study of keel flutter is described. The development of an analytical tool is discussed and validation by comparison with numerical modeling is presented. Then wave impact is discussed, a regular source of damage in fast craft, and the development of a specific test to evaluate material systems is described. Finally, adhesive bonding is discussed and a specific application to mast tracks is detailed. These three studies underline the importance of a detailed understanding of composite mechanics in developing durable marine structures. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Devaux, H., Miller, A., Balze, R., Guého, S., & Maguet, J. (2014). Design of racing yachts for durability. In Solid Mechanics and its Applications (Vol. 208, pp. 209–237). Springer Verlag.
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