A classification of phenomenologically interesting supersymmetric extensions of the Standard-Model with a U(1) R symmetry is presented. Some of these are consistent with subsets of leptonic or baryonic "R-parity violating" (RPV) operators, thereby providing a natural motivation for them. We then focus on a particular class of models in which the U(1) R symmetry coincides with lepton number when restricted to the SM sector. In this case, the extension of lepton number to the superpartners is "non-standard", implying, in particular, the existence of the leptonic RPV operators LLE c and LQD c, and a vacuum structure where one of the left-handed sneutrinos acquires a significant vacuum-expectation-value, while not being constrained by neutrino mass bounds. The model can be naturally consistent with bounds from electroweak precision measurements and flavor-changing processes. It can also easily accommodate the recently measured Higgs mass due to the existence of a scalar triplet that couples to the Higgs with an order one coupling, with only moderate fine-tuning. The phenomenology is rather rich and distinctive, with features such as heavy-but-natural Dirac gauginos, relaxed bounds on squarks, resonant slepton/sneutrino production, lepto-quark signals, as well as an interesting connection to neutrino physics arising from R-breaking. The broad qualitative features are discussed in this paper, with a more detailed phenomenological study carried out in a companion paper [1]. © 2013 SISSA.
Frugiuele, C., Grégoire, T., Kumar, P., & Pontón, E. (2013). “L = R” - U(1) R as the origin of leptonic ‘RPV.’ Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(3). https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP03(2013)156
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