Researchers often pursue their own interesting and specific mathematics education research questions without engaging with the practical and policy issues that may have considerable bearing on mathematics education. The final chapter of this section deals with this situation by considering three interrelated themes: developments in education policy that have implications for mathematics education research; the potential for engaging the mathematics education community in pursuing research questions that have implications for policy; and the relevance, utility, and accumulation of mathematics education research findings to support policy and practice. In particular, questions are raised about the role of standards in the specifics of mathematics teaching and learning, and the challenges of making research professionally and publicly available in ways that might be used to inform the decisions and the practices of policy makers and teachers.
Hoyles, C., & Ferrini-Mundy, J. (2013). Policy implications of developing mathematics education research. In Third International Handbook of Mathematics Education (pp. 485–515). Springer New York.
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