Implementation of Black hole Attack for Random Mobility for Single and Multiple Connection in MANET

  • Omprakash* S
  • et al.
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Mobile Ad hoc network is a temporary network. It helps to communicate two or more devices for short range. Routing Protocols are use to establish a communication in MANET. As it is a open network , it has many vulnerabilities from security point. Black hole Attack is one of the major concern in MANET. In this paper, we have implemented Black hole Attack in random mobility environment and analyse its impact on MANET using various parameters for single and multiple connection in MANET. Black hole attack disturbs one of the connection in the network while remaining connection are unaffected. During our analysis, we found that performance result of black hole attack in multiple connection network give a similar kind of output mentioned in various research paper related to gray hole attack, which will make difficult to analysis the type of attack in the network.




Omprakash*, S. H., & Suthar, M. K. (2020). Implementation of Black hole Attack for Random Mobility for Single and Multiple Connection in MANET. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(3), 3299–3302.

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