Success with customer inspiring products - Monitoring, assessment and design of perceived product quality

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Nowadays, technical excellence is not enough to enthuse the customer for a product. Absolute freedom from error is a basic requirement, but how can the customer be rendered enthusiastic about future products? The answer to this question lies in the creation of optimal customer-specific products. Perceived quality of a product is constituted by all visual, tactile, acoustic and olfactory impressions. Perceived Product Quality adds customer group specific and subjective perceptible characteristics to the basic understanding of quality. Until now, there is no comprehensive systematic approach to close the gap between subjective customer perception and objective product characteristics. © 2009 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.




Schmitt, R., & Pfeifer, T. (2009). Success with customer inspiring products - Monitoring, assessment and design of perceived product quality. In Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics: Visions, Concepts, Methods and Tools (pp. 117–129). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

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