A set of 23 genotypes of fodder pearl millet were studied for genetic variability, heritability, genetic advance and\rcharacter association of green fodder yield and its components at Jamnagar and Dhari under rainfed condition of Gujarat during\rKharif-2014. The analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences among the genotypes for all the seven characters\rstudied. All the genotypes showed considerable amount of variation in their mean performance with respect to the characters\rstudied, indicates presence of sufficient variability and scope for further selection and breeding superior and desirable genotypes.\rThe variability analysis revealed that harvest index, grain yield, dry fodder yield and green fodder yield had high magnitude of\rphenotypic range, genotypic co-efficient of variation, phenotypic co-efficient of variation, heritability and genetic advance\rexpressed as percentage of mean thereby suggesting the importance of additive gene action. Hence, these characters can be\rimproved through simple selection process. Green fodder yield had significant positive correlation with days to 50 per cent\rflowering, days to maturity and dry fodder yield at both genotypic and phenotypic levels indicating any increase in these traits\rwill increase the green fodder yield.
DHEDHI, K. K., ANSODARIYA, V. V., CHAUDHARI, N. N., SANGHANI, J. M., & SORATHIYA, J. S. (2015). Genetic variability and character association for fodder yield and its related traits in pearl millet over locations under rainfed conditions of Gujarat. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORESTRY AND CROP IMPROVEMENT, 6(2), 110–115. https://doi.org/10.15740/has/ijfci/6.2/110-115
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