Zeus: Bringing internet voting to Greece

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Zeus is an internet voting platform, in which all the steps of the voting process can be verified using well-established mathematical tools. It has been developed with the goal that the voters can be confident that their votes are counted correctly and their anonymity is guaranteed, without needing to trust the operators of Zeus that they do not behave improperly: the assurances provided by Zeus are at least as strong as those in traditional elections. Zeus has been used in more than 120 elections, involving more than 22000 voters, and is continuously in use. It has shown that it can be used when traditional elections cannot take place, due to hostile conditions, and is actively being developed and evolved.




Louridas, P., Tsoukalas, G., Papadimitriou, K., & Tsanakas, P. (2014). Zeus: Bringing internet voting to Greece. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 441, 213–223. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-11710-2_20

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