Purpose: Low birth weight (LBW) is one of the most serious health problems in infants. Many\rstudies indicate that LBW infants, who survive, may suffer from long- and short-term physical,\rmental, and social problems. This study aimed to determine the effect of massage therapy on\rweight gain of LBW neonates.\rMethods: This study was a randomized clinical trial. A total of 45 LBW neonates were randomly\rallocated into experiment and control group. Three 15-minute period massages per day were\radministered in 5 days for the experiment group. Infants’ weights were measured in both groups\rin 5 all days.\rResults: Based on the results, weight gain in the experiment group was significantly higher than\rthe control group.\rConclusion: Massage through tactile-kinetic stimulation result in weight gain of LBW neonates.\rMassage therapy can be recommended as the special and complementary care for LBW neonates.\rIt can also be effective in prevention of neurologic and developmental problems in infants.
Johari, S., Haghgou, Ha., Daemi, M., Rezaeiyan, T., & Mosala Nejad, Z. (2016). The Effect of Massage on Weight Gain of Low-Weight Hospitalized Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Physical Treatments- Specific Physical Therapy, 5(4). https://doi.org/10.15412/j.ptj.07050403
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