Tujuan penelitian mengetahui posisi kedalaman muka air tanah dari muka air laut dan mengetahui kualitas air tanah berdasarkan parameter fisika dan kimia. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan terbagi menjadi dua yakni metode survei lapangan dan analisis laboratorium. Hasil analisis menunjukkan perbandingan hasil pengamatan parameter fisika air (warna, bau dan rasa) dari dua tahap menunjukkan 18 sumur atau 36% yang berubah secara fisika. Analisis laboratorium untuk parameter kimia pada sampel air sumur nomor 15 memenuhi syarat untuk air minum baik kandungan arsen, besi maupun nitrat. Pemanfaatan air tanah di 50 sumur warga dominan dipakai kebutuhan sehari-hari yakni untuk air minum dan MCK sebanyak 34 sumur atau 68%. Berdasarkan model pola aliran air tanah diketahui ada enam titik cekungan rendah ditandai berwarna biru (ketinggian muka air tanah 1-5 meter). Kata kunci: Air Tanah, Kualitas, Sipatana. The purpose of the research is to know the position of the depth of the groundwater from the sea level and to know the quality of groundwater based on physical and chemical parameters. The research method carried out is divided into two, namely the field survey method and laboratory analysis. The results of the analysis showed a comparison of the results of observations of water physics parameters (color, smell and taste) from the two stages showing 18 wells or 36% which changed physically. Laboratory analysis for chemical parameters in number 15 well water samples meets the requirements for drinking water both in arsenic, iron and nitrate content. Daily use of ground water in 50 wells of dominant citizens is used for drinking water and MCK as many as 34 wells or 68%. Based on the model of groundwater flow patterns it is known that there are six low basin points marked in blue (1-5 meters groundwater level). Keywords: Groundwater, Quality, Sipatana.
Permana, A. P. (2019). ANALISIS KEDALAMAN DAN KUALITAS AIR TANAH DI KECAMATAN SIPATANA KOTA GORONTALO BERDASARKAN PARAMETER FISIKA DAN KIMIA. Jukung (Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan), 5(1). https://doi.org/10.20527/jukung.v5i1.6208
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