A Green Skills Framework for TVET Curricula

  • et al.
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Knowledge, technical skills, and generic skills are quite a synonym in TVET curriculum, but apart from that, the industries are starting look for the manpower with competent in green skills. Besides, the green skills an alternative way to cultivate awareness on environmental and to protect and conserve the environment from climate change and pollution in order to stimulate sustainable development. This article aimed at exploring out the impact of the environmental policies on job opportunities; the domains and elements of green skills which required in green industries; the mismatch of domains and elements green skills between industries and institutions; and the green skills framework for TVET curricula. An exploratory sequential design is used in this study which consists of two-phases. Respectively, the first phase 11 experts in environmental aspect or green practice involve in order to get the consensus and Delphi technique apply, and 200 TVET academicians involve in the second phase. The data from this study is useful in order to reduce knowledge gaps and as the tools in order to revise the existing curricula framework due to the change of skill requirements.




Zaime, A. F. … Said, S. Md. (2020). A Green Skills Framework for TVET Curricula. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(3), 2532–2534. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.b7276.019320

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