Emulating Neutron Irradiation Effects with Ions

  • Was G
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Radiation effects research is conducted with a variety of energetic particles: neutrons, electrons, light ions, and heavy ions. Energetic ions can be used to understand the effects of neutron irradiation in reactor components, and interest in this application of ion irradiation has grown in recent years for several reasons that include the avoidance of high residual radioactivity and a decline in the availability of test reactors for materials irradiation. The damage state and microstructure resulting from ion irradiation, and thus the degree to which ion irradiation emulates neutron irradiation, depend principally on the particle type and the damage rate. This chapter will begin with a brief review of the damage function, primary recoil spectrum, and efficiency of defect production for various particle types. Effects of particle type on both microstructure and microchemistry will be discussed, followed by the effects of the irradiated microstructure on mechanical properties. The roles of dose, dose rate, and temperature parameters and the constraints on parameter space by each particle source will be discussed and compared against the effects of neutron irradiation.




Was, G. S. (2017). Emulating Neutron Irradiation Effects with Ions. In Fundamentals of Radiation Materials Science (pp. 631–665). Springer New York. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-3438-6_11

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