We spend almost 80—90 % of our time indoors and almost 2/3 of this time is spent at home. The built environment has been recognised as a key factor determining the overall exposure to airborne pollutants affecting human health and well-being. In this work the main indoor air pollution sources are outlined and the indoor air pollutants that require priority action in terms of management measures are described. These are the most prominent indicators of indoor air pollution to be used for comprehensive environmental management. Data requirements in terms of indoor air pollution indicators that may be used to understand better the source-to-exposure continuum and the interactions among the different components of indoor air are given in order to support the development of comprehensive approaches to indoor air health risks. Finally, recommendations on how to best fill the data gap with harmonized sampling and assessment methods at different spatial scales are given.
Sarigiannis, D. A. (2015). Indoor air quality indicators. In Environmental Indicators (pp. 827–841). Springer Netherlands. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-9499-2_46
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