The contemporary business environment, characterized by high levels of dynamism, turbulence, and uncertainty, has forced companies to re-evaluate traditional models of commerce and make a shift towards Internet-based e-commerce models. Since the perception of usefulness determines the firm’s willingness to adopt e-commerce, this study strives to explore the contributing factors among SMEs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A survey of 154 SME managers/owners was conducted, to identify variables that are key drivers of perceived usefulness. The findings revealed that the strategic management benefits, compatibility, and external pressures are the key predictors of perceived usefulness. This study also shows that the perceived usefulness of e-commerce is higher, if companies belonging to the same industry, or the same business network, have already adopted this business model. These findings strengthen the idea of the enterprise bandwagon effect. Compared to the newer and younger firms, the results also indicate that mature firms tend to have higher perceived usefulness of e-commerce.Suvremeno poslovno okruženje, za koje su karakteristične visoka razina dinamike, turbulencije i neizvjesnosti, prisiljava poduzeća na propitivanje tradicionalnih modela trgovine i prihvaćanje modela internetske e-trgovine. S obzirom da percepcija korisnosti determinira spremnost poduzeća za prihvaćanje e-trgovine, u ovom se radu istražuju utjecajni čimbenici među MSP-ima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Provedena je anketa 154 menadžera i vlasnika MSP-a, kako bi se utvrdile varijable, koje predstavljaju ključne pokretače percipirane korisnosti. Rezultati pokazuju da su koristi za strateški menadžment, kompatibilnost i vanjski pritisci ključni prediktori percipirane korisnosti. U ovom se radu također pokazuje da je percipirana korisnost veća, ukoliko su poduzeća u istoj industriji ili poslovnoj mreži već prihvatila navedeni poslovni model. Navedeni rezultati pružaju potporu postojanju efekta sljedbeništva. U usporedbi s novim i mlađim poduzećima, pokazuje se i da zrela poduzeća u većoj mjeri percipiraju korisnost e-trgovine.
Karić, L., Lazović Pita, L., Peštek, A., Pijalović, V., & Činjarević, M. (2021). Heading out SMEs to the e-commerce highway. Management, 26(1), 3–20.
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