Manajemen Strategi Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah dalam Pencegahan Kebakaran Hutan di Kabupaten Ketapang

  • Chandya T
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This research departs from an event that often occurs every year in Indonesia, namely forest fires. The high rate of forest fires that occur almost every year in Ketapang Regency raises the question of why Ketapang Regency is a region prone to this incident. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The technique of collecting data was carried out by observation, interviews and documentation. Data were taken from selected sources based on purposive sampling technique. This study uses Fred R. David's Strategic Management theory, namely: Strategy Formulation, Strategy Implementation and Strategy Evaluation. The results of this study indicate that there are many factors that make Ketapang District experience high levels of forest fires every year. BPBD has made maximum efforts in preventing forest fires by managing its time and performance strategy for Ketapang Regency, however there are several other factors that have resulted in the relatively high number of forest fires, namely the existence of peat forest areas that are prone to burning and land clearing activities by burning Ketapang Regenc, especially BPBD has made efforts to prevent the number of forest fires in Ketapang District. Penelitian ini berangkat dari suatu peristiwa yang kerap terjadi setiap tahunnya di Indonesia yaitu Kebakaran hutan. Tingginya angka kebakaran hutan yang terjadi hampir disetiap tahunnya di Kabupaten Ketapang menimbulkan pertanyaan bagaimana manajemen strategi khususnya BPBD sebagai stakeholder dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Ketapang yang menjadi wilayah yang rawan terhadap kejadian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan cara kualitatif deskritif. Teknik Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data diambil dari narasumber yang ditentukan berdasarkan Teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Manajemen Strategi Fred R. David, yaitu : Formulasi Strategi, Implementasi Strategi dan Evaluasi Strategi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa banyak faktor yang menjadikan Kabupaten Ketapang sering mengalami kebakaran hutan yang cukup tinggi setiap tahunnya. BPBD telah berupaya maksimal dalam pencegahan kebakaran hutan dengan melakukan manajemen strategi waktu dan kinerjanya untuk Kabupaten Ketapang, namun ada beberapa faktor lainnya yang mengakibatkan angka kebakaran hutan masih relatif tinggi yaitu adanya wilayah hutan gambut yang rawan terbakar serta adanya kegiatan pembukaan lahan dengan cara membakar Kabupaten Ketapang, khususnya BPBD telah berupaya melakukan pencegahan untuk dapat menekan angka kebakaran hutan di Kabupaten Ketapang.This research departs from an event that often occurs every year in Indonesia, namely forestfires. The high rate of forest fires that occur almost every year in Ketapang Regency raises thequestion of why Ketapang Regency is a region prone to this incident. This research usesdescriptivequalitativemethod.Thetechniqueofcollectingdatawascarriedoutbyobservation,interviews and documentation. Data were taken from selected sources based on purposivesampling technique. This study uses Fred R. David's Strategic Management theory, namely:Strategy Formulation, Strategy Implementation and Strategy Evaluation. The results of thisstudy indicate that there are many factors that make Ketapang District experience high levelsof forest fires every year. BPBD has made maximum efforts in preventing forest fires bymanaging its time and performance strategy for Ketapang Regency, however there are severalother factors that have resulted in the relatively high number of forest fires, namely theexistence of peat forest areas that are prone to burning and land clearing activities by burningKetapang Regenc, especially BPBD has made efforts to prevent the number of forest fires inKetapangDistrict.




Chandya, T. (2021). Manajemen Strategi Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah dalam Pencegahan Kebakaran Hutan di Kabupaten Ketapang. Gorontalo Journal of Government and Political Studies, 4(1), 096.

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