Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia is a unique and phenomenal propaganda insti-tution. For one decade (1998-2008) it has exercised a very intensive preach-ing, conception of Islam, enforcement of Syari’ah and the Khilafah rulingsystem. The purpose of this study is to determine the Hizbut Tahrir Indone-sia thinking about: (1) the arguments used by Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia inpreaching; (2) the purpose of the preaching of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia; (3)the method used in the propaganda activities of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia;(4) the program of propaganda in the view of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia; and(5) the relevance of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia propagation strategy with thestrategy of propaganda of the Prophet Muhammad. The results showed that(1) Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia propagation argument is Surah (Chapter) Ali-Imran verse 104; (2) the purpose of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia propaganda isto hold Islamic life and to carry the Islamic propagation to the entire worldand to revive Islam in the right way; (3) the method adopted by HizbutTahrir Indonesia in carrying out the mission is the laws of Personality whichis taken from Prophet Sayings; (4) HizbutTahrir Indonesia propagation pro-gram is basically the same as Hizbut Tahrir anywhere, for espousing ideas,ideals and the same activity which reflects on propagation strategy of theProphet; and (5) selection of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia toward the ProphetTraditions about the propagation method applied by the Prophet MuhammadSAW tend to choose a more nuanced firm. In fact, the propagation methodapplied by the Prophet varies depending on the existing situation and con-ditions.
Khoerunnisa, E. (2015). Relevansi Strategi Dakwah Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia Dengan Strategi Dakwah Nabi Muhammad Saw. KOMUNIKA, 9(2), 171–180. https://doi.org/10.24090/kom.v9i2.2015.pp171-180
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