Missing persons and runaway youth: The role of social media as an alert system and crime control tool

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Missing persons cases have a unique relationship with the media, where increased exposure is said to be a key factor in the recovery of victims and closure of cases. In an attempt to increase exposure for certain types of missing persons cases, news media outlets share case content and alert systems were created; however, the current systems in place have notable limitations. In an attempt to adapt to the proliferation of social media in the lives of everyday Americans, law enforcement agencies have begun to rely on social media as a crime control tool and as a means to raise awareness of missing persons cases. This chapter serves as an overview of the current academic standing of social media as a mechanism of crime control, with a specific focus on how law enforcement can optimize their use of social media in the form of a missing persons outreach tool.




Jeanis, M. N. (2020). Missing persons and runaway youth: The role of social media as an alert system and crime control tool. In Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications (pp. 181–193). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-41287-6_9

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